Variable # | Name | Units | Type | Description |
1 | BattVolts_V_Avg | na | number | Voltage of the logger battery |
2 | LoggerTemp_C_Avg | na | number | Temperature of the Logger |
3 | RECORD | na | number | na |
4 | RTFGSHP_GLenergyrate_kW_Avg | kW | number | RTFGSHP_GLenergyrate_kW_Avg |
5 | RTFGSHP_GLflowrate_lmin_Avg | liters/min | number | RTFGSHP_GLflowrate_lmin_Avg |
6 | RTFGSHP_GLreturntemp_C_Avg | C | number | RTFGSHP_GLreturntemp_C_Avg |
7 | RTFGSHP_GLsupplytemp_C_Avg | C | number | RTFGSHP_GLsupplytemp_C_Avg |
8 | RTFGSHP_boilerenergyrate_kW_Avg | kW | number | RTFGSHP_boilerenergyrate_kW_Avg |
9 | RTFGSHP_boilerflowrate_lmin_Avg | liters/min | number | RTFGSHP_boilerflowrate_lmin_Avg |
10 | RTFGSHP_boilerreturntemp_C_Avg | C | number | RTFGSHP_boilerreturntemp_C_Avg |
11 | RTFGSHP_boilersupplytemp_C_Avg | C | number | RTFGSHP_boilersupplytemp_C_Avg |
12 | RTFGSHP_tobuildingenergyrate_kW_Avg | kW | number | RTFGSHP_tobuildingenergyrate_kW_Avg |
13 | RTFGSHP_tobuildingexittemp_C_Avg | C | number | RTFGSHP_tobuildingexittemp_C_Avg |
14 | RTFGSHP_tobuildingflowrate_lmin_Avg | liters/min | number | RTFGSHP_tobuildingflowrate_lmin_Avg |
15 | RTFGSHP_tobuildingsupplytemp_C_Avg | C | number | RTFGSHP_tobuildingsupplytemp_C_Avg |
16 | StationID | na | number | na |
17 | TIMESTAMP | date and time | date | na |
18 | therm_Avg(1) | mV | number | RTFGSHP_loop5 |
19 | therm_Avg(2) | mV | number | RTFGSHP_loop6west |
20 | therm_Avg(3) | mV | number | RTFGSHP_loop3 |
21 | therm_Avg(4) | mV | number | RTFGSHP_loop4 |
22 | therm_Avg(5) | mV | number | RTFGSHP_loop1east |
23 | therm_Avg(6) | mV | number | RTFGSHP_loop2 |
Data Set Description: | Raw data |
Data Set Purpose: | To verify calculated data. |
Data Set Methods: | data collection |
Sensor Measurement Frequency: | Houly |
Sensor Location: | Fairbanks, AK |
Collection System Description: | Campbell Scientific CR1000 |
Data File Status: | ongoing |
Download Metadata Spreadsheet | Click to download metadata spreadsheet |
Download Sensor Data: | Click to download all data |
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Displaying 1 - 10 of 85451 search results.
TIMESTAMP | BattVolts_V_Avg | LoggerTemp_C_Avg | RECORD | RTFGSHP_GLenergyrate_kW_Avg | RTFGSHP_GLflowrate_lmin_Avg | RTFGSHP_GLreturntemp_C_Avg | RTFGSHP_GLsupplytemp_C_Avg | RTFGSHP_boilerenergyrate_kW_Avg | RTFGSHP_boilerflowrate_lmin_Avg | RTFGSHP_boilerreturntemp_C_Avg | RTFGSHP_boilersupplytemp_C_Avg | RTFGSHP_tobuildingenergyrate_kW_Avg | RTFGSHP_tobuildingexittemp_C_Avg | RTFGSHP_tobuildingflowrate_lmin_Avg | RTFGSHP_tobuildingsupplytemp_C_Avg | StationID | therm_Avg(1) | therm_Avg(2) | therm_Avg(3) | therm_Avg(4) | therm_Avg(5) | therm_Avg(6) |
2015-01-06 14:00:00 | 13.13 | 29.48 | 1799 | 3.405 | 25.55 | -0.623 | 1.107 | -0.085 | -0.003 | 31.69 | 34.98 | 8.72 | 30.25 | 19.78 | 36.24 | 0 | 0.754 | 0.748 | 0.754 | 0.754 | 0.752 | 0.753 |
2015-01-06 15:00:00 | 13.13 | 29.74 | 1800 | 3.457 | 25.73 | -0.579 | 1.197 | -0.085 | -0.003 | 31.45 | 34.66 | 7.681 | 30.12 | 17.36 | 35.99 | 0 | 0.754 | 0.748 | 0.754 | 0.754 | 0.752 | 0.753 |
2015-01-06 16:00:00 | 13.12 | 30.2 | 1801 | 3.482 | 26.21 | -0.677 | 1.026 | -0.086 | -0.004 | 31.52 | 35.08 | 9.87 | 30.27 | 21.62 | 36.56 | 0 | 0.755 | 0.749 | 0.755 | 0.754 | 0.753 | 0.753 |
2015-01-06 17:00:00 | 13.11 | 30.77 | 1802 | 4.897 | 36.36 | -1.394 | 0.514 | -0.088 | -0.004 | 31.71 | 35.96 | 10.57 | 31.13 | 22.07 | 37.78 | 0 | 0.759 | 0.754 | 0.76 | 0.76 | 0.758 | 0.759 |
2015-01-06 18:00:00 | 13.1 | 31.44 | 1803 | 4.211 | 31.89 | -1.085 | 0.691 | -0.09 | -0.004 | 32.11 | 36.37 | 11.2 | 31.39 | 23.27 | 38.15 | 0 | 0.758 | 0.753 | 0.758 | 0.758 | 0.756 | 0.757 |
2015-01-06 19:00:00 | 13.09 | 32.22 | 1804 | 3.388 | 26.31 | -0.247 | 1.263 | -0.09 | 0.001 | 32.49 | 36.24 | 7.875 | 31.54 | 18.56 | 37.21 | 0 | 0.752 | 0.745 | 0.752 | 0.751 | 0.75 | 0.75 |
2015-01-06 20:00:00 | 13.09 | 32.81 | 1805 | 3.697 | 28.01 | -0.754 | 0.915 | -0.09 | 0.004 | 32.77 | 36.47 | 11.3 | 31.27 | 23.09 | 38.11 | 0 | 0.756 | 0.75 | 0.756 | 0.756 | 0.754 | 0.755 |
2015-01-06 21:00:00 | 13.08 | 33.23 | 1806 | 4.05 | 31.47 | -0.635 | 0.971 | -0.09 | 0.006 | 33 | 36.49 | 8.5 | 31.53 | 19.06 | 37.5 | 0 | 0.754 | 0.748 | 0.755 | 0.754 | 0.753 | 0.753 |
2015-01-06 22:00:00 | 13.07 | 33.54 | 1807 | 3.654 | 27.9 | -0.697 | 0.942 | -0.09 | 0.006 | 33.16 | 36.7 | 10.97 | 31.53 | 23.14 | 38.16 | 0 | 0.755 | 0.749 | 0.756 | 0.755 | 0.754 | 0.754 |
2015-01-06 23:00:00 | 13.07 | 33.82 | 1808 | 4.046 | 31.27 | -0.598 | 0.999 | -0.09 | 0.006 | 33.24 | 36.51 | 8.75 | 31.47 | 19.75 | 37.46 | 0 | 0.754 | 0.748 | 0.755 | 0.754 | 0.753 | 0.753 |