Variable # | Name | Units | Type | Description |
1 | AirT_HMP45C_Avg | deg C | float point | The average air temperature recorded over the hour |
2 | AirT_HMP45C_Max | deg C | float point | The max air temperature recorded over the hour |
3 | AirT_HMP45C_Min | deg C | float point | The min air temperature recorded over the hour |
4 | BaroPressure_Avg | mb_uncorr_elev | float point | The hourly average of the barometric pressure |
5 | GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(16) | deg C | float point | The average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #16 |
6 | GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(17) | deg C | float point | The average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #17 |
7 | GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(18) | deg C | float point | The average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #18 |
8 | GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(19) | deg C | float point | The average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #19 |
9 | GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(20) | deg C | float point | The average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #20 |
10 | GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(21) | deg C | float point | The average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #21 |
11 | GWS_T_deg_C_Max(16) | deg C | float point | The max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #16 |
12 | GWS_T_deg_C_Max(17) | deg C | float point | The max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #17 |
13 | GWS_T_deg_C_Max(18) | deg C | float point | The max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #18 |
14 | GWS_T_deg_C_Max(19) | deg C | float point | The max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #19 |
15 | GWS_T_deg_C_Max(20) | deg C | float point | The max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #20 |
16 | GWS_T_deg_C_Max(21) | deg C | float point | The max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #21 |
17 | GWS_T_deg_C_Min(16) | deg C | float point | The min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #16 |
18 | GWS_T_deg_C_Min(17) | deg C | float point | The min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #17 |
19 | GWS_T_deg_C_Min(18) | deg C | float point | The min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #18 |
20 | GWS_T_deg_C_Min(19) | deg C | float point | The min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #19 |
21 | GWS_T_deg_C_Min(20) | deg C | float point | The min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #20 |
22 | GWS_T_deg_C_Min(21) | deg C | float point | The min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #21 |
23 | NetRadWindCorr_W_m2_Avg | W/m2 | float point | The hourly average of the radiation, corrected for wind taken at the 46 inch high mast |
24 | Precip_Tot | inches | float point | The hourly total of the precipitation |
25 | RECORD | None | integer | Number of recorded value in list of all recorded values in file |
26 | RelativeHumidity_Avg | percent | float point | The average RH recorded over the hour |
27 | RelativeHumidity_Max | percent | float point | The max RH recorded over the hour |
28 | RelativeHumidity_Min | percent | float point | The min RH recorded over the hour |
29 | SnowDataQuality | none | float point | The sample of the snow data quality taken at the 115 cm high mast |
30 | SnowDataQuality_Avg | none | float point | The hourly average of the snow data quality taken by the 115-cm high mast |
31 | SnowDepth | cm | float point | The sample of the snow depth recorded by the 115 cm mast |
32 | SnowDepth_Avg | cm | float point | The hourly average of the snow depth recorded by the 115 cm high mast |
33 | SnowDepth_Max | cm | float point | The max recorded over the hour of the snow depth at the 115 cm high mast |
34 | SnowDepth_Min | cm | float point | The min recorded over the hour of the snow depth by the 115 cm high mast |
35 | SnowDepth_Std | cm | float point | The standard deviation of the hourly snow data taken by the 115 cm high mast |
36 | Station_ID | String | String | the name assigned to the data logger in the the program |
37 | TIMESTAMP | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | date | Date and time of recorded value |
38 | VectorWindDirHi | deg | float point | The average of the wind direction over the hour of the 2 m high mast |
39 | WindDirHiStdDev | deg | float point | The standard deviation of the wind direction of the hourly average of the 2 m high mast |
40 | WindDirHigh | deg | float point | The sample of the wind direction taken at the 2 m high mast |
41 | WindSpeedHi | m/s | float point | The average wind speed over the hour of the 2 m high mast |
42 | WindSpeedHigh | m/s | float point | The sample of the wind speed taken at the 2 m high mast |
43 | WindSpeedHigh_Max | m/s | float point | The max wind speed recorded over the hour of the 2 m high mast |
44 | WindSpeedLow | m/s | float point | The sample of the wind speed taken at the 18 inch high mast |
45 | WindSpeedLow_Avg | m/s | float point | The hourly average of the wind speed taken at the 18 inch high mast |
46 | WindSpeedLow_Max | m/s | float point | The max wind speed recorded over the hour of the 18 inch high mast |