Hourly Atmospheric Data

Variable #NameUnitsTypeDescription
1AirT_HMP45C_Avgdeg Cfloat pointThe average air temperature recorded over the hour
2AirT_HMP45C_Maxdeg Cfloat pointThe max air temperature recorded over the hour
3AirT_HMP45C_Mindeg Cfloat pointThe min air temperature recorded over the hour
4BaroPressure_Avgmb_uncorr_elevfloat pointThe hourly average of the barometric pressure
5GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(16)deg Cfloat pointThe average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #16
6GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(17)deg Cfloat pointThe average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #17
7GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(18)deg Cfloat pointThe average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #18
8GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(19)deg Cfloat pointThe average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #19
9GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(20)deg Cfloat pointThe average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #20
10GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(21)deg Cfloat pointThe average air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #21
11GWS_T_deg_C_Max(16)deg Cfloat pointThe max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #16
12GWS_T_deg_C_Max(17)deg Cfloat pointThe max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #17
13GWS_T_deg_C_Max(18)deg Cfloat pointThe max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #18
14GWS_T_deg_C_Max(19)deg Cfloat pointThe max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #19
15GWS_T_deg_C_Max(20)deg Cfloat pointThe max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #20
16GWS_T_deg_C_Max(21)deg Cfloat pointThe max air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #21
17GWS_T_deg_C_Min(16)deg Cfloat pointThe min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #16
18GWS_T_deg_C_Min(17)deg Cfloat pointThe min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #17
19GWS_T_deg_C_Min(18)deg Cfloat pointThe min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #18
20GWS_T_deg_C_Min(19)deg Cfloat pointThe min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #19
21GWS_T_deg_C_Min(20)deg Cfloat pointThe min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #20
22GWS_T_deg_C_Min(21)deg Cfloat pointThe min air temperature recorded over the hour by sensor #21
23NetRadWindCorr_W_m2_AvgW/m2float pointThe hourly average of the radiation, corrected for wind taken at the 46 inch high mast
24Precip_Totinchesfloat pointThe hourly total of the precipitation
25RECORDNoneintegerNumber of recorded value in list of all recorded values in file
26RelativeHumidity_Avgpercentfloat pointThe average RH recorded over the hour
27RelativeHumidity_Maxpercentfloat pointThe max RH recorded over the hour
28RelativeHumidity_Minpercentfloat pointThe min RH recorded over the hour
29SnowDataQualitynonefloat pointThe sample of the snow data quality taken at the 115 cm high mast
30SnowDataQuality_Avgnonefloat pointThe hourly average of the snow data quality taken by the 115-cm high mast
31SnowDepthcmfloat pointThe sample of the snow depth recorded by the 115 cm mast
32SnowDepth_Avgcmfloat pointThe hourly average of the snow depth recorded by the 115 cm high mast
33SnowDepth_Maxcmfloat pointThe max recorded over the hour of the snow depth at the 115 cm high mast
34SnowDepth_Mincmfloat pointThe min recorded over the hour of the snow depth by the 115 cm high mast
35SnowDepth_Stdcmfloat pointThe standard deviation of the hourly snow data taken by the 115 cm high mast
36Station_IDStringStringthe name assigned to the data logger in the the program
37TIMESTAMPyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssdateDate and time of recorded value
38VectorWindDirHidegfloat pointThe average of the wind direction over the hour of the 2 m high mast
39WindDirHiStdDevdegfloat pointThe standard deviation of the wind direction of the hourly average of the 2 m high mast
40WindDirHighdegfloat pointThe sample of the wind direction taken at the 2 m high mast
41WindSpeedHim/sfloat pointThe average wind speed over the hour of the 2 m high mast
42WindSpeedHighm/sfloat pointThe sample of the wind speed taken at the 2 m high mast
43WindSpeedHigh_Maxm/sfloat pointThe max wind speed recorded over the hour of the 2 m high mast
44WindSpeedLowm/sfloat pointThe sample of the wind speed taken at the 18 inch high mast
45WindSpeedLow_Avgm/sfloat pointThe hourly average of the wind speed taken at the 18 inch high mast
46WindSpeedLow_Maxm/sfloat pointThe max wind speed recorded over the hour of the 18 inch high mast
Data Set Description: Hourly background atmospheric data
Data Set Purpose: To record atmospheric data for use in projects
Data Set Methods: Staff will be able to use this data to know the atmospheric conditions on the RTF roof.
Sensor Measurement Frequency: Hourly
Sensor Location: Fairbanks, AK
Collection System Description: CR1000 data logger
Data File Status: ongoing
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TIMESTAMPAirT_HMP45C_Avg AirT_HMP45C_Max AirT_HMP45C_Min BaroPressure_Avg GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(16) GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(17) GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(18) GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(19) GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(20) GWS_T_deg_C_Avg(21) GWS_T_deg_C_Max(16) GWS_T_deg_C_Max(17) GWS_T_deg_C_Max(18) GWS_T_deg_C_Max(19) GWS_T_deg_C_Max(20) GWS_T_deg_C_Max(21) GWS_T_deg_C_Min(16) GWS_T_deg_C_Min(17) GWS_T_deg_C_Min(18) GWS_T_deg_C_Min(19) GWS_T_deg_C_Min(20) GWS_T_deg_C_Min(21) NetRadWindCorr_W_m2_Avg Precip_Tot RECORD RelativeHumidity_Avg RelativeHumidity_Max RelativeHumidity_Min SnowDataQuality SnowDataQuality_Avg SnowDepth SnowDepth_Avg SnowDepth_Max SnowDepth_Min SnowDepth_Std Station_ID VectorWindDirHi WindDirHiStdDev WindDirHigh WindSpeedHi WindSpeedHigh WindSpeedHigh_Max WindSpeedLow WindSpeedLow_Avg WindSpeedLow_Max
2017-09-11 13:00:009.549.869.319949.369.48.559.529.559.759.959.999.1410.1410.1810.4400000086.80067.970.0365.33360306.7-3.692-3.2650-3.840.571792.922.74105.61.9242.435.2141.671.0453.02
2017-09-11 14:00:009.459.939.119959.469.58.659.659.699.939.9810.049.1910.1910.2510.549.
2017-09-11 15:00:009.8610.419.289959.869.99.0310.0510.110.3410.3710.429.5710.6510.7211.029.359.398.539.479.519.6979.410269.9573.0466.87281293.7-3.719-3.349-2.441-4.0080.274778.3440.3319.041.0290.4313.5870.020.4893.47
2017-09-11 16:00:0010.2910.6510.0799510.2410.299.410.3910.4410.6410.6410.699.7810.8410.8811.11010.089.210.1910.2310.4451.360367.9470.0465.37256267.5-3.577-3.57-3.335-3.9150.14770.4948.4682.90.65102.3910.020.2635.57
2017-09-11 17:00:0010.6311.129.1199510.5810.649.7310.7110.7710.9911.0311.1110.1911.1811.2511.518.898.948.098.938.949.0639.290466.3179.9861.68385273.8-3.048-3.525-2.941-4.4420.219781.346.759.3511.1965.2530.920.5475.57
2017-09-11 18:00:
2017-09-11 19:00:009.8910.259.579969.849.899.019.779.769.8510.2910.379.5510.2110.2510.49.479.538.639.379.339.36-41.560668.6883.965.28252256-3.977-3.881-3.562-4.150.159766.5148.9480.90.6611.0983.2340.020.2544.52
2017-09-11 20:00:
2017-09-11 21:00:007.0047.696.4119966.5936.5945.8535.5945.4185.2897.1817.146.3526.3336.1866.066.1636.1845.4725.0514.8754.743-33.950880.283.875.27245243.7-3.955-4.116-3.8-4.5370.1457247.218.862640.1610.4310.7640.020.0365.42
2017-09-11 22:00:006.7697.0596.4799976.5716.585.8966.3746.2946.2996.816.816.1216.6026.5196.5196.2696.3115.6335.9735.8035.761-13.590983.886.380.9252257.9-4.351-4.11-3.793-4.4240.147265.321.03278.80.23700.9410.020.0262.57