South Lab Raw data

Variable #NameUnitsTypeDescription
1CS616_us_Avg1raw data, microsecintegersouthlab foundation, south of the jacking pad 82 inches below the pad
2CS616_us_Avg2raw data, microsecintegersouthlab foundation, south of the jacking pad 33 inches below the pad
3CS616_us_Avg3raw data, microsecintegersouthlab foundation, north of the jacking pad 89 inches below the pad
4CS616_us_Avg4raw data, microsecintegersouthlab foundation, north of the jacking pad 33 inches below the pad
6TIMESTAMPdate and timedatena
Data Set Description: Many of the data points for this project have failed but there are enough remaining to continue to the collection. All four of the moisture content sensors in Figure 5 are working.
Data Set Purpose: This is the raw data used to calculate the soil moisture values. To see how the soil moisture in and around the foundation changes.
Data Set Methods: data collection
Sensor Measurement Frequency: hourly
Sensor Location: Fairbanks, AK
Collection System Description: Campbell Scientific CR1000
Data File Status: ongoing
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Displaying 1 - 10 of 74218 search results.

TIMESTAMPCS616_us_Avg1 CS616_us_Avg2 CS616_us_Avg3 CS616_us_Avg4 RECORD
2015-06-17 11:00:0032.1631.8618.5718.750
2015-06-17 12:00:0032.1631.8718.5718.751
2015-06-17 13:00:0032.1631.8618.5718.762
2015-06-17 14:00:0032.1631.8718.5718.753
2015-06-17 15:00:0032.1631.8618.5718.754
2015-06-17 16:00:0032.1631.8718.5718.755
2015-06-17 17:00:0032.1631.8618.5718.756
2015-06-17 18:00:0032.1631.8618.5718.757
2015-06-17 19:00:0032.1631.8718.5718.758
2015-06-17 20:00:0032.1631.8718.5718.759